Sunday, June 21, 2015

06.21.2015: The Return Trip

The next morning we met for breakfast downstairs and then headed back up to Falkner to show Dad.  He didn't see it yesterday because he was at work.  Ken & Kelsea also wanted to put their deposit down on it to save the date.  The owner wasn't there, so they were going to have to call it in...but we did get to walk around and show Dad the place. 

While we were there, we bought some more wine.  K&K and Vince and I all joined their wine club too.   We also made a pit stop at Barons to stock up on our favorite local wines. This used to be the place where we could go get ANYTHING.  They don't carry as much as they used to it seems.  More of the production wines now.  Must be because people caught on and just bought their wines there at cheaper prices than at the actual wineries.

We headed back to Riverside, then Vince and I packed up and headed home.  Good long day!!  Once again a fun, fun weekend with the family!

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