Saturday, November 17, 2018

11.17.2018: So Long Bahrain

Our time here has come to an end!  It has been one of the most educational and culturally amazing experiences I have had so far in life.  Being able to go to other countries and experience other cultures is one of the best educators in life, and I love it and appreciate every moment of it.  It truly opens your mind to the rest of the world, and gets you out of your "USA" bubble we all tend to live in.   Whether you agree with other religion, cultures, or ways of life, it helps you become more tolerant, and accepting.  Not necessarily accepting of their views or ideas...but maybe just accepting your way isn't the only way!
Vince and I had separate flights and routes home today but left around the same time.  I connected in Chicago and when I got out of the plane it was snowing.  Such a drastic difference from a half a day ago in the middle of the desert, in the middle of the middle east!

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