Monday, November 12, 2018

11.12.2018: NSA Bahrain

On our way back to the hotel, we did a little driving around where the locals in the area live.  There was a lot of construction activity, and we stumbled upon the US Navy Base Bahrain! Brent had been here on his deployment, Alan actually lived here, and our friend Jeff Craven was stationed here for a while as well.  We weren't able to drive on base, but we could walk on.  So we walked on and went for a little tour of the common areas.  We found the NEX and bought some souvenirs...and wine!  After we got to the hotel, we realized that you couldn't find alcohol many places and it was pretty expensive at the hotel!  So we got a bottle of wine to drink later.  There was a band playing and a big BBQ going on for the troops in the common quad area.  It was fund hanging out and watching the US troops enjoy themselves! We didn't stay on base long, but was fun to check it out and know there was a little bit of US there!

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