Friday, November 16, 2018

11.16.2018: Last Day of the Show & Touristing

The last day of the show is here!  Mark stayed behind to do some work at the hotel so Vince and I set out to the show for a few hours.  It wasn't very busy with the corporate sector so we walked around a bit visiting with other exhibitors.  Across from the Wamore booth, the company exhibiting brought in a barista and all his machines to offer a specialty drink to people visiting. He tested it out on us since we were the first ones there in the morning, and WOW, delicious!!!  I am not sure what it was, but it was amazing.  I had like 10 of them.  I am sure I will be amped up on a caffeine and sugar high all day. (Worth it!)

My favorite barista

ToysRUs went out of business in the US...but not here!

Vince trying to blend in

Bahrain Toilets

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