Friday, July 9, 2010

7.09.2010: Slides, SeaDoos, Lounging...Day One Continues

After we got the boats tied up on shore, we began the first day of activities. Kids headed for the slide in the back...and by kids I mean Kenny too :) The traditional "catch the football as you go down" game began. Tried to get Andrew to go down, but wouldn't..."not yet". Justice and Brianna wanted no slide action either. Drake loved it of course.

We all relaxed, enjoyed soaking up the sun, sitting in the water and taking SeaDoo rides exploring the area...even though we camp at the same place every year...still changes with water level so you never know when you will get a "island" in the disguise under the water, but high enough to ruin a boat. Not that I would know about that or anything.

Surveying the land:
Andrew practicing his country ho-down

Kenny showing the other kids how its done
Brianna...."you aint getting me on that slide"!!
Brent trying to give Andrew tips for a smooth ride down

Drake looking a little worried for his first trip down
Who can catch the football and slide at the same time?
The loungers:
Ken, you are supposed to sit UNDER the shade!!
Christina on her first SeaDoo excursion:
Andrew....good thing he doesn't ride alone much...he was aiming right for the rocks!

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