Friday, July 9, 2010

07.09.2010: Launched...Let the 5th Annual Houseboat Trip Begin

Friday morning, we got up early to head to the marina to board the houseboat and launch the ski boat & SeaDoo. Vince and I do the grocery shopping while the rest of the crew head to the water. We all meet and unload...and then wait. Every year, we have to we just expect it now. Gotta go thru the checklist w/ the houseboat people...check all the equipt to make sure it runs properly (which this year one of the engines didn't had to get that fixed). So we all hung out for a while and got organized w/ all our stuff. Then we hit the high seas (or the calm lake) and headed to our camp spot....same one as last year...which was amazing!

Nana is boat ready!

More waiting...

ARGH...Kennys best pirate face

Getting ready to scuba...

Brad & Leonor
Kids...enjoying the ride out

Intense coloring...
Christina can nap anywhere
So can Drake...

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