Friday, July 9, 2010

7.09.2010: First Happy Hour & Dinner Entry #1

Day drinking began did "happy hour". No reason to hold back on vacation! Christina introduced us to a new margarita...the "skinny margarita" which was a HIT...except that they were REALLY strong! :) I say except because that seemed to slow some people down. We sat in the water....Bill and Christina mixed up drinks for dug holes & filled them with water...and again, and again. They made a mini lake on the beach and called it "Brianna Lake" because she told them to make it.....and Kenny, Scott and Chris made dinner. They were entry #1 in the dinner competition. Their meal of choice was steak with fried potatoes...and an appetizer of homemade sugar/cinnamon tortilla chips and fruit salsa. It was delish...great start of the competition and set the bar for the rest of the contenders.

Chris spent most of the afternoon cubing potatoes...

Kenny chopping fruit for his fruit salsa

Sill cubing potatoes...we had potatoes for days!

Mixologist taking a break...
No, he didn't really dump any on Bill (Dad doesn't usually waste Bud Light)
Alisa was thirsty...yes, she has 3 cups (that I can see)

Late afternoon sun goes great with happy hour
Our home for the next few days:
Gathering of men...and Alisa too
The munchins
Beautiful evening...this is why we go!
No, Ken, Vince wasn't trying to sabatoge the grill! Just chatting with Scott!
The other mixologist....looks like a pina colada....and trouble!
Yummmm...boys at the dinner table
Justice & Nana eating their dinner too

Drake & the first fish of the trip...turned out to be the biggest too!!

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