Saturday, July 3, 2010

07.03.2010: An Evening of Hospitality

After a day at the beach, we went to Point Loma of my all-time favorites in the area...and a MUST stop when in town! YUMMO! Christina waiting for her food....just bring it already!

After some seafood, we were all exhausted and ready for some hospitality...suite that is!!
We headed back to the hotel to meet up with all the other Hearns. Tonight was the kids night to hit the town...the older Hearns watching the youngest Hearns back in the hotels. Turns out the older and youngest Hearns had a better time than the middle Hearns!! When Christina, Eric and Karrissa came back from dinner we were all partying in the suite, drinking fine wine out of plastic cups, and listening to gangster rap. (ummmm, kids were watching tv & wrestling in the other room) Hilarious! They were wondering what in the world was going on! Fun was going on!!!

Yes, my face is the same color as Greg's shirt...

Giggle girls....who knows what was going on!

Eric getting in the spirit! Greg DJ-ing

Trying to look composed

Yes, they are both strong...

Brotherly love....

The girls....
The guys......
Had to retake without Vince's shoe in the pic

Ahhh...sleepy-head (faker!)
Haha...see..just a break before the dance party
View from above...

Time to chill...all ready to turn in for the night!

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