Sunday, July 14, 2013

07.14.2013: Sunday, Funday!

Ahhhh, what else do you do on a Sunday but have fun?? Such a relaxing and nice day!!!
Our little camp...

 And sooo this is what happens when the big kids tube...

 Love one can come between these two
 Some people need a helmet to tube...

 The helmet hurts...

 Us....Not enough glow!
 Must be close to happy hour time...congregating on the beach!

 Grandma & the baby girl...

 Tubs isn't ready to go back to the boat...she just wants to hang in the water right here

 Scott prepping the fireworks for the night...
 The other Scott, prepping for happy hour...or looks like he is already in happy hour?!
 The Great Escape....

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