Wednesday, July 4, 2018

07.04.2018: Freedom Festival 2018

Happy 4th of July!!  As usual, Vince got up at 4am to go secure our spot on the grass right on the waterfront. VJ got up with him and they stared the party by setting up our chairs and popups.  The rest of us stayed sleep for a few hours until the sun came up! We all headed out to the party scene area for our Freedom Festival party!
We really just hung out, made friends with our neighbors, grilled a ton of food, and enjoyed this amazingly beautiful day!  I think this is the first year that it has been so warm & sunny out.  Usually it is gloomy...but not today!!  It was gorgeous!
After lunch, almost everyone went back to take naps.  The very, very early day drinking did most of the group in & they needed to take some time to recoup before the evening festivities started.  Some of the group (Christina & Lex) didn't come back out!  They were out for the night haha.
The fireworks show is by far the best in the county and considered one of the best in the world. It was wonderful as usual! Of course, after packing up all our gear and transporting it all back to the rooms, we needed some nightcaps!  It was a great, but very long day!!



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