Wednesday, December 25, 2013

12.25.2013: Christmas Entertainment

After dinner, we moved to the living room, where more present opening happened.  Kenny & Kelsea opened theirs from everyone, and everyone opened theirs from them.  Follow that?  Same with Christina & Lex, and Drake. 
Everyone enjoyed their present opening, then we moved on to the games of the evening!!  Mom and the kids had put together a charades game for us to play.  This was BEYOND hilarious!!!  We had soooo much fun and laughed sooo hard!!!  Everyone participated, especially the kids! Andrew stole the show with his impersonations though.  Some of our favorites were his "palm tree" and his "orange".  Christina was by far the most creative on her guesses, which had us all cracking up.  I got all videos, no pics, of the charades night.  It was pretty hilarious though!!  Definitely a game to remember!!

Yukon wanted to be part of the festivities too

 Brent was enjoying his pink hat a little too much!

 Doc McAvery on duty
Vince and I gave Drake an electric bass guitar!
I think he loved it!

 He got some cash from his sis too...

 No pics while on duty!  Lex must have been giving her some tips

 Reading us stories...

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