Wednesday, December 25, 2013

12.25.2013: Christmas Dinner at the Durbins

Drake usually flies in on Christmas afternoon after he spends Christmas morning with his mom.  Vince & Brianna went to go pick him up at the airport while the rest of us cleaned house and started making dinner.

Kenny & Kelsea made it into town just in time for dinner...Christina & Lex came for dinner too, as they have for the past few years.  We all had out traditional prime rib roast, and lobster mac & cheese, and tyropitas, and rolls, and salad, and sweet potato casserole, and probably some more food that I have forgotten! 

The kids cannot WAIT to start some wrestling as soon as they see each other!
 Pre-dinner drinks
 ...and coloring
 Wild musicians

 Where it all happens

 Mom had bought some "ice breakers" that were at each persons' plate.  They were little knick knacks stuffed in these cardboard firecracker things.  You had to "pop" the thing to get the prize out!  It was really cool...and the kids (ALL the kids) loved them!

 Kenny got a hat

 Mike got an earring
 Nana got a hat too

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