Friday, September 20, 2013

09.20.2013: Post-Grad Lunch and Riverwalk Tour

After the graduation was over, and we finally got back to our cars, we all drove down to the downtown San Antonio area.  There is a Mexican restaurant down there that is one of Vince & I's favorites.  So we went there, toasted the new grad, filled our bellies, then walked over to the Riverwalk and Alamo area.  Granted it was POURING on & off all afternoon so we would go from drenched to accepting it and semi-drying off .. back to drenched again.

 Vince and I broke off to head back to our hotel as it got later and more & more wet.  At his point we were completely soaked.  We needed to walk back to our car, since we were pretty far...and got even more soaked.  Oh well, we don't get this in AZ so we didn't mind!  Just didn't appreciate the humidity :)

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