Thursday, September 5, 2013

09.05.2013: On the Road Again....

New Mexico bound....
Of all the places I have been in the US, I have to say that I don't think I have actually been anywhere in New Mexico!!??  That seems slightly unbelievable when I list out all the states I have been to...but I just don't think I have ever been here before!  Well, this is a 100% pure work trip.  We MUST visit our contracts in Las Cruces and Santa Fe...and one of our clients is based in Albuquerque.  So, off to Albuquerque we go!  We drove up thru Flagstaff....and it must have just been a gorgeous time of year, because the colors were amazing!!!
 Saw some deer off on the side of the road!

 There were some amazing views on this drive.  I highly recommend it to any road-trip lovers out there.  It really is suprisingly pretty!!

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