Monday, September 30, 2013

09.30.2013: Christina & a Newport Visit

Vince and I drove down to Newport to meet Christina & Lex and Justice for dinner.  We started with Christina at happy hour at this WONDERFUL little place right on the boardwalk.  They have great seafood & appetizers and drink specials.  Christina left to get Justice, who was literally like a block away....then Lex met us later after he got off work.

Daddy & daughter doing oyster shooters!

So, after dinner, we headed back to their house to hang out.  Christina & Vince decided to practice their Daddy-Daughter dance for the upcoming was generally hilarious!!!!  They had so much fun doing it though!!!

  Christina was trying to coax Lex out to practice their first dance....
 ....which resulted in this:
Christina dancing with a ghost and Lex hiding in the couch. 

More coaxing did not help....

09.30.2013: Doing a Drive-By....

I still cannot show up in Riverside without doing a driveby.....its the time I need and my way of remembering & paying my respects.  I don't go by the cemetery, because that isn't where they "lived".  I go by the house, because that is where I remember them.  It isn't the easiest drive over....and I cry most of the way there & home....but I must do it. 
Right now, the house still looks the same from the outside.  I guess the new owners have been renovating the inside, but it looks the same from the to me, it is still ours.  I still have my keys, so as I sit across the street, wonder if they still work.  Not that I would EVER go in, or try them....but most of me feels this house still belongs to Gramma & our family...and those new people just shouldn't be there.


Sunday, September 29, 2013

09.29.2013: San Diego Super-Chargers!!!

Well, we woke up in the morning and headed out to the San Diego Charger football game.  While we didn't get to sleep in, in the gorgeous hotel we were staying was nice already being in SD for the game.  We were all still pretty hungover at the moment...but came out of it quickly!  The Chargers were playing the Cowgirls....and yes, they beat them!
  Vince saving some parking spots....or just trying to stay away from us?!
 Our setup...notice the privacy curtains!!

 Sneaking a snack before the drinking begins...again!
 Ahhhh...Qualcomm Stadium!!!

 The skydivers landing...not so smooth!

Saturday, September 28, 2013

09.28.2013: Jason's Surprise 35th Birthday!

So Kerry had planned a surprise birthday party for Jason this weekend.  It was his 35th, and she had a whole day planned for him with his friends all over UCSD...a scavenger hunt type thing...which then ended with a big party at Rock Bottom La Jolla!  Mom & Dad, us, Gina, Bill and Mike all went meet up with all the Spark family and friends as well!  We had a GREAT time down there and had our share of drinks and food.  Wonderful night!!  We were one of the last group they kicked out of the place!  Only to continue the party somewhere else......

Mom, Dad and us stayed at the Hyatt La Jolla just down the street, which was walking distance....which was a great walk home, considering!!   A group of us walked back there, and we all met up in the bar for a continued party!  It just didn't stop!!  I think we literally had most of th eparty join us back there for the after-party!  So fun!!!

The after party at the Hyatt.... 

Sunday, September 22, 2013

09.22.2013: CrabFest 2013, Texas-style!

So, Vince and I were at HEB the other day, and we were thinking we would take all the fam out to dinner one night...but then found some crab legs on sale and thought....hmmm...what if we just bought 100 lbs of these deliciousness and grilled them at the house?! So, that's what we did....  Dinner with the fam at the house!! And by fam, I mean Rachel  Isaiah too!

Pais stole Gabby's slippers...
 Selfies w the grandbabies
 We brought some Angelina to share...amazingness!

 Note Rachel in the background photobombing with her Saints-ness!

 Chilling with the Gabbs...
 Uncle Vicente & Rachel...
 Cassy's my Grandma?!?! Pais said ...whaaaatt???

Where'd Cassy go??! 

 All the fam....


 The dancing chef...
 The dancing guest...

 The biscuit maker...

 Vicente & his crabby pic!

 A feast....fend for yourself!
 I think the kiddos won!
 Our loves....
 More loves....
 The TX fam...minus a sleeping baby Pais!