Sunday, December 29, 2013

12.29.2013: San Diego Suuuuper Chargers!

Chargers vs KC....
It sure seems that the Chargers like to wait until the end of the season to determine their fate in the playoffs!!  They are typically a 4th quarter teams...but also seems an end-of-the-season team!  I feel like we end up in these last minute situations every year! On well...makes for an exciting game, that;s for sure!!
We LOVE the pre-game tailgate...probably the most exciting (and enjoyable) part of the game! I would like to say least stressful as well, but not always!! 



Oh, hello...we won!!!

Friday, December 27, 2013

12.27.2013: Post-Christmas Bliss

Ahhhhh it is inevitable! The post-Christmas bliss is upon us. Mom and Dad are moments away from having an empty house, and we are moments away from driving our way back to AZ.  All of us actually! Just different parts of AZ.  It's always the worst part of the holidays...
This year though, Mom and Dad are stuck with some of us for a few more days....

Piggy putting together is Legos..he can't even wait!

 Sister love...

 Another year of Christmas Bliss....
 Pretty amazing display of hand-made stockings

Thursday, December 26, 2013

12.26.2013: Durbin Christmas Party

Durbin Christmas party 2014 in full swing!!  The Sparks, the Hesketts, the Durbins, the Clabaughs, and everyone in between were in attendance.  We had a great time with all the family here tonight.  It was great to see everyone and the kids, as always, had the best time ever!  The boys ran the roost out back...which was great having them all together!  The girls seemed to hang closer to the house...and the adults gravitated, as always,  towards the alcohol!  Haha!! 
 It was fun having everyone together seems we only get to see each other around the holidays, now that everyone is married with families, but we are blessed to celebrate those times together at least!  Our family continues to grow and expand to friends both old and new. I love that our house is open to everyone....thanks to our parents and their loving hearts!!!

12.26.2013: Post Christmas Chilling

Day of party prep and hanging out!!  We had some post-Christmas relaxation, and hanging with the kiddos, enjoying the backyard and getting ready for tonight's Christmas party!!!

 Paparazzi pic..."no more pics"


 Time for some corn-hole