Sunday, July 19, 2015

07.19.2015: When it Rains it Pours

No, literally....

We all woke up fairly early and started the trek back to the Phoenix area....after of course Avery performed quite a few piano solos, along with singing some of her "original" songs.  It was amazing.  BTW...the piano was not plugged in, and did not work...but she made the noises it should have, and ghost played it while she was singing.  Barrel of laughs that one!

Vince and I originally planned to go back to Huntington to see Christina, Lex and Lennox again...but Vince wasn't feeling great.  Felt like he was catching a cold...I am sure the wet & humid weather mixed with the heat, then the indoor AC didn't all help.  Decided not to risk getting the baby sick.

It was a good call, heading back early.  About 2 hours after we passed the Desert Center area, the roads collapsed from all the rain & washed away!  We got NO rain the entire drive, but it was right behind us and CA was getting torrential rains that were flooding everything. Anyways, it was CRAZY!  The road closed down...and is still closed.  There is some ridiculous detour that adds about an hour to the trip.  They aren't sure when it will be able to reopen!

This could have easily been us!!

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