Friday, July 10, 2015

07.10.2015: The Launch, The Ride, The Spot

The dance....
What we call the morning of the launch.  We have been doing this so long, it is a perfectly timed and programmed dance.  Alisa, Brianna and I went shopping in the morning....Ken & Kelsea went to get the kegs...and the rest of the group went to gas up all the toys and head to check into the houseboat.  Once Alisa & I got to the launch, the rest of the crew had just finished unloaded & launching everything else.  Once we unloaded, Ken & Kelsea pulled up with the kegs & other SeaDoo.  PERFECT timing all around!
Soooo sad seeing Callville Bay so low.  Water level was all the way up the hill when we started coming here.  Soon, the marina will be in the middle of the lake.
Our launch went smooth today...good weather, no winds, no problems to speak of.  We headed out towards the narrows, virgin basin, and our cove!
We ended up getting the exact same spot as last year...however, it was quite noticeably much lower than before.  At this rate, there will be no cove there next year.  For now, we will enjoy our spot!!

Callville Bay

Water level used to be up close to the grass here

Capt Scott

Andrew pondering life

Vince waiting to hear from Christina, who was in labor at this exact time!

The Narrows

This is the life...and my feet


I look a little windblown

Bloody marys on the house

Securing the boat

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