Wednesday, December 31, 2014

12.31.2014: New Years Eve Party

For New Years Eve, we went over to Brent & Alisa's house for a sleepover.  We had an ENTIRE day of food and eating planned...and drinking...and hanging out until at least midnight!  The neighbors came over a little later for evening festivities.  The kids played Michael Jackson on the Wii, and made all kinds of other ruckus throughout the house.  The adults played board games all night.  We played Battle of the Sexes...which was SOOO much fun!!! It was hilarious!!  I was bummed I didn't know more of the answers...think all the drinking must have impaired me haha!!  It was a blast though.  Who knew board games could be so fun!
As the ball dropped and the clock stuck midnight, we celebrated with lots of yelling and cheering and hugging each other!  Such a fun group to spend the New Years with!  And especially knowing that everyone makes it home added bonus! 
We brought Kaizen and spent the night way were we going to attempt a drive home that night!!
Brent & Alisa made some AMAZING skillet steaks for us (the adults) for our special NYE dinner.

The trees got Christmas lights to keep them warm so they wouldn't freeze.  We got snow tonight!!

2 remotes, 5 kids dancing.  Who needs remotes!?

Cuddle time!!  Watching NFL lip reading videos...hilarious!

Happy New Year

So long 2014 - You were good to us but its time to move on. 
2015 here we come...hope you are ready for us!

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