Saturday, December 27, 2014

12.27.2014: The Morning After

The morning after is always great because that is when the kids get to play with all their toys!  Today, the kiddos got to POGO.  Yup, they all got pogo sticks.  Such fun!!!  It has been forever since I have pogo'd, but I remember the year Brent and I got our own sticks growing up.. So much fun!!  No telling how many times we "accidentally" pogo'd into the pool!!  Haha!  Kids were warned early on that there would be no accidents today ;)
They had so much fun...and what a work out it is too.  Avery had fun riding the good-ole' John Deere.  That thing never grows old.  We sat in the driveway for hours just hanging out and enjoying the sun and beautiful day!

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