Saturday, July 7, 2012

07.07.2012: Hospitality Suite Finale

For our final night of hospitality-ness, Glenn & Jan hosted.  They brought in sushi and pizza (for us non-sushi people).  Another successful night of amazing food and drinks and desserts.  We got our fill on all the leftovers we could handle as well.  We ate, and ate, and ate.  What we didn't eat, we gave to some guys that were grilling outside our rooms in the common area.  They were Chilean Navy SEALS that were here cross-training with our SEALS.  That's right folks, Chilean Navy SEALS. (OK, maybe they weren't SEALS like our guys, but they were special warfare, special ops people....and I really do think they said SEALS.  WHo knows....they had us fooled for sure!   Karissa was camped out in front admiring the view...shoot, even the guys came out to admire the view.  We had no problems unloading our extra food and alcohol on them, and they gladly accepted.  At one point, Shay walked by and said "Mom, I love those s'meeells".  Obviously meaning, she loved the SMELLS...from the grill.  But we heard, "Mom, I love those s-MALES".  Karissa replied promptly with "me too"!  Haha!! Literally made the we use the S-MA-ELLS all the time....tettering between the two terms.  Anways, it was our last wasn't a long or late one...and if I recall, we weren't even shut down by our hotel police friends!  We have had 5 days & nights of Hearn hospitality for the week already, and were ready to shut it down on our own!  It was an amazing, amazing week!!!  We spent the last night planning the next one...and that is good!!! Everyone was ready to do it again!  Whoohoo!!

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