Wednesday, July 4, 2012

07.04.2012: Grillin & Chillin

So as I mentioned before, there was another story to go with the grilling event for the evening.  We (the grill) were relocated from the grassy beach-front area where our camp was setup, to back in the common area over by where the rooms are.  We were ok with that (since we couldn't do anything about it anyways) Vince proceeded to grill for the evening.  Not too long after he was getting warmed up, the "hotel security" people came over and told him that he couldn't grill there.  Granted there were about 10 other groups setup throughout the grounds area that had been there grilling all day (un-bothered).  Vince, being the gentleman that he is, went crazy on them :)  Needless to say, Vince got the base security people involved and they told the hotel people to leave us alone!!  It was great....however definitely got everyone's blood pressure up quite a few notches.   Never a dull moment with this group!!  :)
So, Vince spent the evening grilling and everyone else took turns between the grilling area and the beach-front camp area.  By this time, we (Vince and I) were slightly exhausted from the day...him more than I!  But the food all came out amazing and was well worth all thr trouble Vince had to go through to make the day a success! (Speaking for him of course!!)

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