Thursday, July 5, 2012

07.05.2012: Some Alone Time (Kinda)

So, since we were all a little wiped out from the night before, we all decided today would be a "free day" where everyone kinda can just do whatever they want with their family.  Christina & Lex took Drake and Justice hiking out in Torrey Pines area.....Glenn & Jan went with Thelma, Eric, Karissa and the girls to go visit some old friends of theirs....Jackie & Will went on a drive and downtown SD to do some shopping....Charles, Patty & Katrina rented a convertible and followed us out to Coronado to check out the base beach, then went off on their own.  Vince, Greg and I went down to Coronado to hang out around the beach and check out the new hotel there.  Which, by the way, we decided we might be doing our Hearn Reunion there next time!
After we dropped off Greg back at the rooms, Vince and I went out to meet up with Christina & Lex and the kids.  We went to Andres Restaurant (A Cuban & Puerto Rican Rest) for a late lunch.  Wow...the food was amazing!  Can't believe I never went here wile living in SD.  I'm sure there are many hole-in-the-walls like that out sheltered!  Anyways, it was so good....and perfect end to our solo day....and a great way to get ready for the evening back with the entire crew in the Hospitality Suite!

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