Sunday, September 20, 2015

09.20.2015: Grandma Katie's Funeral

After the game yesterday, I hitched a ride to CA with Brent & Alisa.  On Thurs, Alisa's Grandma passed away in San Clemente.  Everyone flew out to CA for the weekend, so they planned a memorial service for her on Sunday afternoon.  It was held on a hillside park overlooking the ocean.  A beautiful location for a beautiful person!  It was a simple service, but very personal and all her family was there.  Afterwards, we all headed over to Uncle Shawn's house for a reception.  Mom, Dad and I didn't stay too long....we had to drop off Brent at the airport on the way home.  And it was Sunday and they had to be up early for work tomorrow.  It was such a nice afternoon.  The whole thing made me miss living here.

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