Friday, September 4, 2015

09.04.2015: All About the View

This trip we stayed at Bally's...because it was free and we could get an upgraded suite.  Plus we like the location as it is right in the middle of all the Harrah's properties.  When we walked in, we saw Mom & Dad's car parked right in the middle of the lobby!  What?!?  They are such ballers now that they just get to park in the lobby of the hotel?!  Some lady was trying to pose off their car though...get outta here!!

Sent them the pic, but turns out they were actually staying across the street at Ceasar's.  I knew that, but thought maybe they changed their minds :)  Oh well..
After checking in, we had some time to kill so Vince went & wandered around the casino and got some drinks...and I chilled in the room on the lounge chair, appreciating our view, and listening to music waiting for the rest of the crew to get there.  Not to mention we needed to decompress after that drive!  Such a pretty day...loved the clouds...made me feel like it was starting to cool off out there!!  It was too!

The first of many long islands that night!  No wonder I have a hard time remembering what happened! Ha!

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