Friday, September 11, 2015

09.11.2015: WNBA Game

 Yes, you read that right...yes, yes you did.  Soooo, Brianna's dance team was performing before the Mercury basketball game today.  I have never been to a WNBA game before so was kinda excited. Well, it was interesting to say the least. We definitely got a show before the show and that was really all we could handle.

We got there a little early because the girls were supposed to meet at the side entrance to all go in together.  While they were waiting to get in, they posed for some pics in front of the big basketball.  These girls LOVE taking pics.  Every combo, everything you can think of!  They are so cute though!  And SUCH a great group of girls!! Brianna has really found her place with them & love seeing her interacting with her friends like this.

It was a scorcher out and we could not wait to get inside.  The front doors opened, but we couldn't go to our seats just everyone was kinda just hanging out in the lobby area.  There was a table where you could make your own posters to cheer for the team.  Avery was insisting on making one, so I took her over.  She wanted to do it herself.  I think she did a great job.  It was cheering for Nana (not the basketball team).

After finally going in & getting our "viewing" seats, we watched the girls perform their dance.  After that we took off!!  We stayed for a bit of the warmups, but not for the actual game.  Not really our thing.  Had a blast though...tons of fun!!!! 

Her full performance is here:

Ready for snacks and a drink!

Dance Moms

Watching the was Marine Week downtown

Avery: "OH MY GOSH!!  That guy wore the wrong uniform!! Haha!! He is going to get in trouble"
Hilarious!!  As she was pointing & laughing at him.

Dance sis...carrying Nana's bag.  So cute!

What do you think it says?
After the performance, we were waiting outside for Nana to get out.  Avery was starved and we were joking about her sign & wanting French fries.  She freaked & got soooo excited and said "Does my sign say French fries!!??"

Avery:  "BBaahaahaa!!  This isn't even real basketball, Cassy."
ME:  Silently agreeing, but I say "Why do you say that Avery?"
Avery: "Because look, they are playing with beach balls!!"
ME:  Cannot even control laughter.

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