Friday, June 28, 2013

06.28.2013: Summer Fun at Home

After spending some of the morning at Gramma & Papa's house going thru stuff, we all converged back at the house for an afternoon of sun & swimming!  It was so nice having us all there for the day and we really enjoyed doing nothing but hanging out.

Brent got in on the kids diving contest.  He does a great Pollock dive, by the way.  Got it on video....
Needless to say the kids were impressed.

Avery swimming by herself

"again, again, again" 
She LOVED being thrown into the water.  Some of them she got tossed pretty high..and she loved it. She is an adrenaline junkie....

Brianna's sunburned ear (can you see the heart shape from her earring??)
When Brianna was jumping off the diving board, she got stung by a bee under her armpit area.  She screamed, freaked out, and jumped in the water.  Poor thing!!  She was tramatized by those darn bees!
Time to feed Pokey....he prefers fresh romaine lettuce...and he WILL bite your fingers if they get too close!

Over it...
The original cutie....with her bee sting & all.
(She walked around most of the rest of the day like this.)
Chalk, dirt, water, jammies....mess! But she was having a blast.

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