Thursday, June 20, 2013

06.20.2013: Air Force Recruiting Trip

During the week, Vince had looked up the flight schedule that leaves out of March AFB (well, March Air RESERVE Base these days...but it will always be AFB to me).  They had a flight from March to Travis AFB that left in the morning with a return flight that came back later that evening.  So, Vince thought that was a perfect opportunity to take Drake on his first military flight ever!  They flew on a C-17 out of March....and landed in Travis....stayed there for a few hours...then flew back to March about 8pm.
It was so awesome for Drake to experience something like that.  They had to go early to get Drake an ID ...which he hadn't had that alone was pretty exciting for him.  He was now, officially, and Air Force dependent!  He LOVES his military ID!!  Then they got to hurry up and wait at the terminal at March...pretty exciting.  :) 
When their plane came in, Drake's eye's lit up...he was beyond giddy!! They waited for it to unload and them to be called out. 


 Old school where you actually had to walk up stairs to get into a plane...Drake has no concept of doing this on commercial flights, as they did years that alone was pretty special!!!
 Cargo style...they sit in jump seats that are attached to the sides of the plane..  Needless to say, Drake was amazed.
 One thing you can never do on commercial flights anymore....sit up in the cockpit!!!
 The pilots let him push any buttons he wanted to....ask all the questions he wanted to...again, amazed!!

 This was on the light back from Travis....Drake had an earache (from swimming everyday - we later found out)....and was super, super tired!!!  But he was still having a blast.....a very tired blast...but a blast!

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