Sunday, June 16, 2013

06.16.2013: Fathers Day 2013

We didn't get home until pretty late last night, so took some time to sleep in a little.  Mom, Brent and I went over to Gramma & Papa's house in the morning to go through some things and get some of the important and valuable items out of the house.  It was weird being there without Gramma or Papa...and was more weird locking up the house and all leaving.  It had been a while that someone wasn't staying there...and its been a REALLY long time that we locked the door behind us leaving an empty house for the day/night.  Very surreal feeling....

Brent headed home to AZ to spend the evening with Alisa and his kids.... 
....And Kenny was on his way out to CA.

We all just spent the evening at home taking in the past few days, and knowing that the week ahead would be a busy one making final arrangements.

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