Saturday, October 30, 2010

10.30.2010: Family BBQ in San Antonio

Sat evening Vince Jr and Sarah hosted a little BBQ at their house for some friends and family. Vince (Sr) got to see some of the old gang and people that he knew while he lived there. It was great finally getting to meet some of the people I have heard so many stories about! Sarah's parents were there, Vince Jr's mom and her boyfriend came, some friends that the kids grew up with came over as well as one of their parents that Vince Sr knew well. So nice just to hang out and visit!! Not to mention the amazing fajitas that Jr grilled!! Yummmm!!!

A great way to end our week in Texas! Was so nice spending time with VJ & Sarah and the kids at their home there. Way too long since we had seen them...but promised to get out there more often this next year!

Guys in the backyard visiting, telling stories, and BBQ'ing
Sarah in charge of the kitchen
Sarah & her parents...Robin & Jose
Vince with his old friend Stacy....has known her since he entered the AirForce. She has been friends of their family for over 30 years and lives in SA with her husband and kids.

Ahhh...always a cutie for the camera (both of them!)
Hit of the party! Toni's baby girl...Taylor Sarah & Taylor
Vince & Taylor

She loved Miesha!!
VJ & Taylor doing the white girl dance
VJ & his best bud Darrell
The guys....
Me & Sarah...yup see I was there too!

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