Saturday, October 30, 2010

10.30.2010: Charger Game...Texas Pop Warner Style

On Saturday morning, Darien had his first playoff game in the TX pop warner league. He is #22 and plays for the Chargers (good choice!!) and Vince Jr helps coach the team. They were playing the Raiders on this chilly morning...and am happy to say beat them!! Darien had a few really good to carry the ball on a few runs, and even had a fumble recovery on defense. There were a lot of people there they take these games very seriously!

Game face....

Leg injury on a defensive play...Dad had to carry him off the field. Couldn't walk, but came back out on the next drive....tough little guy!!
Coach Dad...and Darien ready to get back in there
Proud Granddad...
Vince and I with the lil stud

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