Saturday, April 7, 2012

04.07.2012: Gramma's Birthday Party

For Gramma's birthday, we took her some lunch and birthday cake and celebrated on the back patio.  We made some Easter ham and beans and rolls and scalloped potatoes...and of course birthday cake!  It was a gorgeous spring day and we really enjoyed having lunch outside.   Papa had recently planted his garden with some help from Chad and we went out to admire it.    And of course Pokey made his appearance.  It was nice just hanging out with Gramma & Papa for the afternoon and helping Gramma celebrate her brithday!

 Watch out for my peaches! And apples!
 My baby....strawberry plant!  She's got some flowers, and little green strawberries!!
 Papa's never-ending strawberry plants....
 Avery loved her lunch...especially the bread!!

 Happy Birthday to Gramma!

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