Friday, November 25, 2011

11.25.2011: Temporary Recovery

On "Black Friday", ie...biggest shopping day of the year....some of the group woke up and hit the stores in the hopes of finding some great deals.  Since we were up really late the night before, we had considered hitting the midnight madness sales, since we were up.....however, we opted for drinking wine & relaxing at home.  So, at one point or another, all the adults hit the stores throughout the morning....except me.  I opted for staying home with the kiddos.  Later in the day everyone (besides Vince, Drake and I) decided to head to Tucson to visit their relatives down there for the evening.  Vince, Drake and I went over to Jan & Glenn's house to have dinner and catch up with them. Eric, Karissa and the girls were there too.  It was a nice break of not cooking or cleaning for the night!!  However, we were all so exhausted, I probably would have opted for sleep in leui of food! :)  It was a good visit though and am glad we went!  I gave my camera a break for the night though, so no pics.

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