Friday, November 13, 2009

11.12.2009: Honeymoon....Part 3

DAY 4....
Day 4 we woke up to a rainy morning! We went and had a nice little breakfast at a neighborhood deli...then hoped in a taxi down to Battery Park. We were planning to take the cruise to go see the Statue of Liberty...however it was FREEZING! Well, freezing for us.....we weren't prepared for the much chillier temps than from the days before. So, we just took in the views from the park....including the view of a very strange statue! Very creepy as well....

After walking around the park, we walked over to the financial district...aka WALL STREET! :) We found the bull...along with a line of tourists trying to take pics with it. Somehow Vince jumped in there while they were trying to figure out who went next. Haha! We found the Tiffany Bldg...NICE! Didn't do any shopping there...but looked good from the outside!! We ended up eating lunch at this GREAT neighborhood diner which looked sketchy from the outside, but was FABULOUS! We beat the crowds because it was standing room only after a few mins.

Went back to our tiny but nice hotel room to regroup before heading to dinner. We HAD to do some authentic Italian while we were in found a GREAT italian place not too far from the theater district. We met the owner, who was from Italy...and who just celerated her wedding anniversary by having a recreation of her entire wedding back in Italy. Sounded cool! Anyways, we chatted for a long time with her...and promised to be back next year for our anniversary! :)

After dinner, we had tickets to see the Phantom Of The Opera on Broadway. I had seen it 3 times already, but love it! Vince wanted to see it and seeing it on Broadway, I knew would be special!! It was! It was amazing....LOVED it once again! After the show we went to another little Italian place called Tony's (how ironic!). It was kinda of like Bucca de Beppo style...very cool inside though. So, we just sat at the bar, made some friends and drank some great wine!! Great way to end a night!!!!! Oh, on the way back to the hotel, I HAD to take my pic next to the Juan Valdez Cafe...just cuz!

This picture explains it ALL.......after a great 5 days in was time to go home! Since we hadn't been home in 3 was so nice getting back in the swing of things...however, I didn't want our trip to end!!!!!

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