Saturday, March 31, 2018

03.31.2018: Future PGA Professionals

 Well, maybe not.  But with enough whiskey we sure felt like we were well on our way!!!

Today was Brian Greene's birthday and what better way to celebrate with him than all going to play a round of golf!  We played over at Starfire right down the street from us.  It is a nice, easy course that usually isn't too crowded.  We went late in the afternoon so we were the last ones on the course and could just take our time.  A couple people who came up behind us played thru and weren't really happy with our less than stellar play that seemed to take a little longer than most foursomes.  Oh well.  We had a BLAST! So much fun!!! 

After our round, we headed over to Scottsdale Beer Co for dinner and birthday dessert.  Such a fun day with our favorite peeps!

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