Sunday, May 10, 2015

05.10.2015: Tinkerbell Half Marathon

Good morning world!!  Although some people are still awake from last night.  We had to wake up at 3:30am to get ready and head to Disney.  The race starts at 5:30, but we need to be in the corrals around 5...and who knows what the parking situation will be like.  So, needless to say, we were BARELY awake as we were leaving the house!! 
We had so much fun though!  We got to the race with no problems, and the weather was absolutely perfect.  It had been cool & raining in the week leading up the run, but it was gorgeous this morning!  We bought some "disposable" long sleeve shirts that we wore in the morning.  Disney volunteers pick up all the used clothing & donate it to charities. Kinda a cool program and solves the problem of what to do with your pre-race warmups!  As you can see, we weren't in fancy or expensive gear...just something to keep us warm before we run!
The run started at 5:30, but it was almost an hour later before our corral crossed the start line.  It was such a long wait! It was fun though...everyone is always in such a good mood and it gives you a chance to see all the crazy costumes.
Finally as we cross the start line, we start warming up and getting into our pace.  It is PACKED when we start off.  The first 6 miles are through California Adventure and then thru Disney.  It was awesome because we ran thru all the main areas, then also through the back lots and got to see some of the "behind the scenes" areas.  Super cool!  Wish I could have slowed down and taken it all in a little more.  The course was super crowded for the first half just because the pathways are so narrow and there were so many people.  After the parks, we hit the streets of Anaheim.  Running through the neighborhood were amazing.  Beautiful old historic looking homes...  And then we ended in some not great areas as well.  This was a rough stretch to keep the motivation up!  Wish we could have gotten back in the park, but oh well!  The run ended back at Downtown Disney which was cool.  There were soooooo many people along the route cheering the runners on.  It was actually very cool.
Crossing the finish line was amazing.  There were TONS of people there!  As you cross, you get your medal then head to the recovery areas.  We sat on the cement for a while, trying to get ourselves together before we jump back in the car and head to Riverside.  My legs were cramping like no other.  It was super painful, and I really felt like I wouldn't be able to drive....but after a while, it was fine!  Crazy how fast our bodies recover!  We (slowly) walked back to the car, and headed home!
Once we got to Riverside, Mom had gotten some breakfast burritos for us, and we sat down and had a nice mimosa brunch outside.  It was GORGEOUS out!!  We hung out in the back for a while watching Pokey on the grass, then decided we better hit the road back to AZ.  We were not looking forward to sitting in a car for 5 hours.  Rigamortis was definitely setting in!!!
What a fun weekend!!!!
Pre run warmups!



Running thru the castle

Had to take a pic with Dumbo for Avery...she was really worried we would go on the ride without her!

And we are done!! And still standing

Showered, fed, and ready to head back to AZ

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