Sunday, January 26, 2014

01.26.2014: Family BBQ at The Hearn House

Vince Jr & Sarah invited us over for a little BBQ at the house.  Vince (Sr) always requests Jr to make his special Chicken Fajitas for us when we come he did!  Charles & Katrina came over...Rachel & Isaiah were there...and Luke came by. The day was actually fairly warm compared to how it had been lately!  Weird weather here in this state.
We had so much fun tonight! I think we stayed up all night was a blast! I took a ton of videoes of late night dancing, lots of champ was had, and some great conversation!
We brought a big bag of avocados from Riverside & Gabby made some amazing guacamole!!
Jr making his magic fajita mix

Paisley didn't like Isaiah laying on her slide!
Spontaneous dance party broke out.
I actually have video of everyone dancing their own dance, completely ignoring each other.  It looked so crazy!  It was hilarious!
Little Miss Guac!!  She would just dip her chip & suck all the guac off of it.  She LOVES LOVES LOVES avocados!

Quizzing Grandad!

Gabby, Vince & Katrina

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