Friday, January 31, 2014

01.31.2014: Celebration Dinner at El Bucanero

After work, we felt the need for a little celebration dinner!!  It was our last night here all together on this trip, so we all met at El Bucanero.  It is a very authentic "where the locals go" kind of Mexican restaurant in San Antonio.  TONS of fresh fish dishes!  You wont find many of your traditional dishes is very Mexico-Mexican.  The margaritas were amazing!!! Quite strong and very good...  It was a great dinner night...and it was topped off with the Mariachi's coming over to sing.  Of course to Vince (or, it was more like "with" Vince!)  Vince requested Reloj No Marques la Hora..his fav!!  Of which I have a TON of videos!!  It was amazing! Paisley was quite amazed with the entire thing as well! :)
This one....

 Erica & her Mom Sylvia (Charles has known her for 30 years!)
 Drama queen!


 Darien...and his whole fish!!!  We got Paisley to tell him not to eat it...and she was freaking out every time he tried to take a bite. It was hilarious!


01.31.2014: The Office is Complete

Happy Friday!!!!  Well, after 2 weeks of really hard work and lots of labor pains, we have the office all put together and ready to go!!  Bring on the business!!  Now Vince and I head back to AZ and leave the reigns in the hands of Charles & Erica to get it done.

Very proud of new company...
Our reception area...
 The conference room
Charles' Office
 Erica's Office
 The Staffing Coordinators Room 
    The Kitchenette
 Nurse Onboarding Room

Monday, January 27, 2014

01.27.2014: Yum, yum, yum!! Picnickins

What is this you are looking at, you ask?!  This is a bowl of pure magic.  Otherwise known as Roasted Poblano Pepper Soup.  I could probably live off this stuff.  Charles introduced us to this little café for lunch one of the first days we were there, and we just could not shake it. We went back a few times.  This place is amazing.  Some of the best food I have had...and nothing was bad. This soup though...oh, this soup!   If you are in need of a good lunch spot, this one is worth driving to!!!
Yes, they always give you little hearts.

Sunday, January 26, 2014

01.26.2014: Family BBQ at The Hearn House

Vince Jr & Sarah invited us over for a little BBQ at the house.  Vince (Sr) always requests Jr to make his special Chicken Fajitas for us when we come he did!  Charles & Katrina came over...Rachel & Isaiah were there...and Luke came by. The day was actually fairly warm compared to how it had been lately!  Weird weather here in this state.
We had so much fun tonight! I think we stayed up all night was a blast! I took a ton of videoes of late night dancing, lots of champ was had, and some great conversation!
We brought a big bag of avocados from Riverside & Gabby made some amazing guacamole!!
Jr making his magic fajita mix

Paisley didn't like Isaiah laying on her slide!
Spontaneous dance party broke out.
I actually have video of everyone dancing their own dance, completely ignoring each other.  It looked so crazy!  It was hilarious!
Little Miss Guac!!  She would just dip her chip & suck all the guac off of it.  She LOVES LOVES LOVES avocados!

Quizzing Grandad!

Gabby, Vince & Katrina

Saturday, January 25, 2014

01.25.2014: Recovering and Quick Pais Visit

When we ventured out of our room on Sat, the temps had returned to almost normal.  It was warming up quickly, which meant the ice wasn't melting, it was falling.  The ice that had frozen on the trees and buildings were falling off...meaning ice stakes were falling out of the sky right at you!  It was like dodging meteors!!  Crazy..when is this going to end!!?
Big tree outside our room....covered in ice daggers
 We ventured over to the Hearn house for a quick visit with Paisley.  VJ & Sarah were headed out with friends for the night for VJ's we just stopped in for some baby time and hang out with them before they left.  Pais RAN up to Vince and gave him the biggest hug! She is such a sweetie!!

So, somehow I have made it this far in the week without overwhelming you with pictures of food.  I don't know why, as this trip has so far been the most scrumptious!!  We have eaten so well everyday.  San Antonio ahs really developed their culinary options....and we took full advantage!!

Canyon Café at the Quarry
Green Chili  Jalapneo Chicken Fried Steak 
 Green Chili Carnitas, fresh tortillas with cheese enchiladas

Friday, January 24, 2014

01.24.2014: Locked Down

So, from the ice storms overnight and the crazy weather going on all day, most every freeway in San Antonio was closed.  Some were closed from accidents, some just because they closed them for safety reasons.  So, we didn't leave our hotel room.  It was freezing, it was still sleeting, and it was dangerous!  So, we stayed put and worked from the room!

Thursday, January 23, 2014

01.23.2014: Vince Jr's Birthday & Ice Storms!

Today is Vince Jr's birthday....

We were planning to take him & Sarah to dinner at FEAST for the special occasion.  We had heard about it, and heard it was really for special occasions. Tapas style menu, with amazing twists to traditional dishes.  It is a cute little trendy new restaurant just outside of downtown in an area that is being regenerated (is that what you call it?)

Anyways, earlier in the day there were all kinds of weather warnings, telling people to stay inside and not go out in the streets after 4pm.  This is the temp the car said....and it felt more like -35

Well, we aren't in town much, so figured it didn't really apply to us either way.  So, here we FEAST enjoying Vince's birthday with him!!!

 Holy deliciousness!!!!  Dessert...
 Darkness...because my battery was dead so my flash would not work!
 Highly recommend!!
So, after we left, our cars were COVERED in snow/ice.  It was crazy. So we carefully drove to the Pearl Brewery area for some nightcaps.  STILL not convinced that this crazy storm is really meant for us.  Well, after we had our French 75 drinks (one of my new favs) at the Pearl and left, our cars were solid ice.  Really, solid ice. It probably took 30 mins just to defrost them so we could see thru the front windshield.  It was crazy...I imagine this is what people in the Northeast deal with all the time...but come on, this is Texas.
So, luckily we were literally around the block from Ft Sam (which is where we were staying), and we all made it home safely. Hopefully Vince had a good birthday!  It was awesome that we were actually able to spend the day with him!!!