Friday, November 29, 2013

11.29.2013: Da Dant Dut Duh...Wedding March

I don't know if that is technically how you spell the wedding march, but it was closest I could imagine.  After a very long delay, the wedding started!  It was a gorgeous ceremony, and the rain held off.  It was forecasted to come & go thru the day, and luckily there was none while we were out there!!

 Lex walking his parents down the aisle
 Justice & Rose
 Luke & Thelma
 Me & Drake

 Vince & Sarah
 Justice walking down Paisley & Manolito (Lex's nephew)
 Uh oh...Mano broke script and tried to bolt.  Justice was soooo good because he was scared to death to let go of their hands (because he was told not to).  Paisley was dragging him down the aisle & Mano wanted to go back!  It was hilarious and went on for quite a while!

Some of the photog's pics too:

 Love this one of her veil flying away!

 Paisley was obsessed with the sand!

 Jumping the broom...

 The family!

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