Thursday, November 28, 2013

11.28.2013: Welcome Bag Making Party

Happy Thanksgiving!!!  Oh yeah, today is Thanksgiving...although it feels nothing but farther from it!
We woke up semi-early to come over to the villa to get the party started with putting together the welcome bags for all the guests. Luckily we had lots of girl help to get the job done fairly quickly and effortlessly.  It was a nice relaxing day at the villa just hanging out with some of the group as more and more guests trickled in throughout the day!  This was really our first day of sunshine and daytime, and beach fun.  While some of us worked, the kids swam and played and the guys basically watched over the whole scene.  Thelma sat on the patio, right in the middle of it all and supervised.  It was actually kind of perfect that she was chair-ridden, as people just came to her!! 

Christina in the midst of the kids bags
 Me getting my organization on...and Joyce working the sweet treat bags

 Sarah and the table numbers...gluing mini-sombreros on the "message in a bottles".  Very Mexican and beachy all in one!

 VJ and his girls...
 Thelma holding court on the patio

 Sarah fake smile!

 Drake and his new buddy!
 Dara & Derek came to join the fun...the right way!
 Christa, Garrett, and the cutest baby EVER, Brityn.  She was seriously the best baby you could imagine.  She LOVED all the attention...loved to be held by everyone! I don't think she slept the entire weekend and never cried.  She was always happy and laughing!  We ALL wanted to steal her!!  Haha!

 The mens

 How did I fit in a break? Haha!
 The villa....

 Picture of Darien taking a picture

 Like father, like son

 Paisley's first time on the beach!! Any beach, ever!

 Absolutely LOVES the sand
 Hot tub time..

 Me & my Paid....
Gorgeous villa....

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