Friday, December 16, 2011

12.16.2011: Christmas Programs!!

What is Christmas without some little kid Christmas programs!!??
Vince and I went back to AZ for a 2 days....for a meeting at work, and to watch the kiddos Christmas program.  Talk about fitting it all in!

Friday night, we attended their program, at a church hall.  Luckily Brianna was in the front row....Andrew was hiding in the back, so it was hard to get any still pics of him.  In the videos on the bottom (just press play), he is showing up in the upper right hand corner for most of the first video.  Second one you can see him better.

Tubbers was hanging out with us all too....she sat with Vince most of the time...until she got hungary and he really couldn't do anything about that!  Otherwise she had a great time watching the kids and entertaining the folks around us!  I failed to get any great pics of her since she was constantly trying to grab the camera everytime I got it anywhere near her!

VIDEO #1....All class song:
***Will come later...having issues uploading it***

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