Wednesday, September 28, 2011

09.28.2011: The Tongue

Today I went to watch Avery for a few hours while Alisa was out & about.  She slept most of the morning, but lucky for me woke up :)  Heehee...and I didn't even wake her up...she really woke up on her own.  She had a little congestion in her nose so after sleeping for a few hours got a little clogged up and decided she had enough nap.  Even a little sick, she still wakes up SUPER happy!  It really just isn't fair to have a baby that is so happy ALL THE TIME.  Anyways, lucky for all of us to be a part of her life!!  Her thing these days is that when she is super happy or laughing at you, with you, because of you...she gives you the tongue.  No idea why or how that started, but is really funny!  There were lots of camping pics of her doing that too.  Today, she seemed overly happy & overly stuck out her tongue at me.  Funny little girl!! 

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