Saturday, September 24, 2011

09.24.2011: Camping Day 2 - Gathering, Riding....and Happy Hour

After lunch we just sat around and relaxed for a while.  Brent felt the need to clean under Andrew's finger nails...with his knife :)  Andrew didn't seem to mind though!   It was time for a little gathering of fire wood for the evening fire.  The kids were sent off to find the biggest and best sticks to bring to the camp....both Drake and Andrew came back with sticks as big as they could carry.  Nana preferred to find cool looking small sticks, that looked like mini guns.  Either way, they were all needed for the fire!!! 

After the kids got tired of fetching sticks for us, they rode their bikes a little.  We went out in the "driveway" and watched them.  After a while Piggy got tired and needed a break, so Brent took over his bike.  Brent and Drake ended up having a very intense bike race....Brent won, only because Drake had a bike malfunction.  Once it was fixed, Brent didn't want to race again :)  So he picked up 2 strays (Piggy & Nana) and rode them around for a while.  Very cute...but those tires were hurting!!!  Avery just watched the madness, and prepared herself for when she is old enough to participate as well!  And of course that meant lots of Avery pics....cuz she was sitting right there...and she is so cute! :)

Once everyone was tried of bike riding, we headed up our little hill to our camping area....where the boys started a game of football.  Well, more like just catch with the football, but it was pretty funny!!  They had a great time & lots of laughs!!  And it wore out Brent and Vince too! :)  Avery fell asleep on my shoulder during the festivities, where she likes to nap sometimes :)

Just getting into the late afternoon....and time for happy hour!    Avery woke up and was ready to hang out with the group!  We had delicious appetizers that Alisa brought, and all kinds of happy hour drinks for the adults....and capri suns for the kiddos!  Dinner that night was pollo asada...yummo!!! As you can see in the pics below, we had plenty of pollo!!  We got our standard group shots, and enjoyed our last evening in the woods!  After dinner we also, of course, had smores!  Although we used nutella instead of hershey bars...and oh my gosh!!! YUMMMMMYY!  So good!!!!  New fav for sure!  Great relaxing ending to a great weekend out of town!!

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