Sunday, April 10, 2011

04.10.2011: Spring Concert & Hearn Brunch

Northridge had a big spring concert this year where they brought in a special guest...Jeron Davis. He is HUGE in the Christian music world....he is the guy on the keyboard in the pic below. He used to be a student of Dwayne...who is the music director there at we got a special treat by having him come play for us. He writes all his own music, has a ton of CD's out, plays all over the country. He was so good!!! And it was really neat being able to hear the meaning behind all of his songs....and how he came to write them. I always love hearing someone's intentions and what inspired them to write a song! Vince, Jan, and Thelma are all in the choir so there was a big Hearn group there to watch it.

The best part of the whole thing...Vince had a solo. He sang one of Jeron's songs...and it was beautiful! Even Jeron thought so! Gave Vince mad props afterwards. I am so bummed because I recorded Vince's song...but I was sitting in a wierd spot under the speakers and there is a reverb playing thru the whole song on the recording....ARGH! Just have to trust me on that one....he was good!!!!!! The song was called "We Shall Be Like Him" time you see Vince he will sing it for you...heehee!
After the concert, Glenn & Jan hosted a brunch at their house for everyone to come over to. Vince's aunt & uncle from Tucson area were in town for the concert. Vince LOVES his Uncle Edward & Aunt Mary Jo!!! Edward is Thelma's brother. They are the nicest people, and it was so fun being able to spend the day with them!

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