Saturday, April 2, 2011

04.02.2011: Baby Shower for Alisa & "New One"

We had a great little group of family and friends that could make it to the baby shower. Since Alisa wasn't easily able to CA for a family shower in CA, we had one for her in AZ for those that could be there! Mom organized most of it...and I helped a little too! It was a blast to have another baby shower in the family....and made the anticipation of New One's arrival so much more real and SOON!

I made a diaper cake for Alisa....I had never made one before, so just looked at a picture of how I thought they were to be made...Vince and I went on a shopping spree for "ingredients"...and got to work! It was soooo much fun to do...and I thought it turned out really really cute. All the white is real diapers....and then you just decorate it! It looked good enough to eat...kinda! :)

The baby games.....

The first game was the necklace game.....whoever said the word "baby" lost their necklace to the person who heard them say it. Whoever had the most necklaces at the end of the day, WON. The guys loved this did the kids! Chris & KJ took it very seriously, and collected those pacifier necklaces with a purpose! Nana was the passer-outer of the necklaces as people arrived!

The second game was the traditional drinking out of the baby bottle game. While most people (including us in many past baby showers) put alcohol in the bottle and make the men drink them....Mom decided it would be so much cuter if the kiddos drank out of the bottles....gatorade, of course!! Andrew was having nipple troubles....Leena didn't love being the center of attention...the rest of them had a blast!! Andrew and Drake didn't give up their bottles the rest of the night....and drank their drinks out of them often....haha!!

Game #3 was Baby Bingo....which I think Chris won. The kids loved that one too. Game #4 was a nursery ryhme game....which all of us did very bad at!! Didn't realize how little I know of traditional nursery ryhmes!! Game #5 was a matching game....where you match the adult animal to the baby animal = Puppy. This one, as well as the nursery ryhme one were very interesting for the adults hanging out in the interesting that it was time to shutdown the baby games due to inappropriateness!!! Haha!! Had to be there...

Some of the guests....hanging out in the kitchen area...near the alcohol!!

Present time!!!! Brent and Alisa both opened presents...with the help of Brianna & Leena. So cute!!!! They both looked amazing in their party outfits....and were so helpful to Alisa & Brent in opening the presents for them :) Ezra tried to get up in the mix....but he just scooted all over watching the girls!! They got some really good gifts from everyone...and a ton of diapers!!! Even though we forgot to do the diaper raffle at the end of the night....I am sure Brent & Alisa were grateful for all the very much needed diapers everyone brought!

Dinner time!!!! Vince had made his amazing spicy chicken & sausages....and had lots of yummy sides. Everyone knows we love our you will always get a good meal & good drinks at our parties...even baby showers!! :) All the kids took over the dining room area. The little kids started out there....then specifically requested that Chris & KJ join them in there....and they would not take NO for an answer!! So the boys were good sports and joined the younger ones in the dining room...they had a great time....and the little ones felt so priveledged to be in the company of the guys!!

Best little baby ever! Ezra lives next door....youngest son of Anndrea & Greg. Ezra is the most chill, relaxed, go with the flow guy you will meet!!! He let everyone hold him....would just sit and watch the show....hung out in his little seat for a while. So content!

What baby shower isn't complete without a little Micheal Jackson Wii Dancing??? I know most parties end after the presents...or the dessert...but that's when ours just get kicked up!! The kids of course BEG to play everytime there is a of course, we had to....for the kids!! The party was all moved into the living room....Mom & Tammy battled each other...very fun to watch!! Brad & Vince did....and you know that Brad was in his world.....Thriller...was there any doubt on that one??!!! It took quite a bit of convincing to get him up there...but once he was...he was all about it!!! Hilarious!! And of course Nana was just being her cheeky cute self!! Oh, and of course the boys got to play too!!!! :)

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