Saturday, December 25, 2010

12.25.2010: Christmas Morning

Present overload....Christmas morning...we woke up to present overload!! Santa visited overnight and dropped off some bikes for Andrew & Brianna. Brianna got her first "big girl" bike...and Andrew got a bigger bike than his old one that has cool stuff on it with trickability! Drake got the same bike (different color) from us this year too. Now they can ride around and do tricks together!

There were a TON of gifts...and we spent all morning taking our time opening them. Luckily the kids are super patient and very good about taking turns and saying thank you with every single opened gift...and really appreciating each present. We all enjoy taking our time and making it a true event instead of just chaos!! Real thanks to everyone for all the great gifts!!


The kids passed out all the gifts....took a while since they couldn't read some of the writing on the tags...and that they only gave them out one by one....but they were so excited to do it! Adults hung out in our spots, waiting for our gifts, and drank our coffee....listening to Christmas music!
Yukon had to be up in the mix...buried by the presents!
"New One" even got some presents. New One is the Brent & Alisa's new baby...since she didn't have a name yet...she is called "New One". Hopefully it doesn't stick too long after she is born :)
Vince and I got Andrew some Dr. Seuss in between presents, he caught up on his reading. So cute! He just sat there and read thru a book while we took turns opening presents. Who needs toys!!??
Nana taking a break....
Cheesed up! My turn yet?
After opening our presents...and eating a delish breakfast of our traditional quiche...and a little bit of everything else you can imagine....we cleaned up and headed outside so the kiddos could ride their bikes. The grown kids started throwing the football around, and the bikes were done as everyone kinda wanted to just throw around the ball. Eventually the dogs were released and they played like crazy and chased each other all around. Lots of fun!!
Andrew couldn't touch the ground from his bike so someone usually had to run after him in case he fell on the turns....or for when he was ready to be done!

Brianna had a baby seat on the back of her bike...which she LOVED. It was a must-have so Santa had to search high & low for a babyseat to attach to the back of the bike...and only got it up to the North Pole at the last minute before he loaded up the sleigh for his deliveries...because the mail was delayed from all the other deliveries. Good thing it showed up in the "Nick" of time (get it) and he had some time to stay up late the night before to attach it to the bike!!! :)
Notice the 2 balls flying aross the sky at each other...trick throws by Vince & Kenny
Kenny & Brent were having speed ball throwing contests..
Andrew even got into it...he throws a great spiral!

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