Saturday, June 26, 2010

06.26.2010: CDG's Office Move

Vince and I have been working for a long time on CDG, one of our companies, and for the past year have been sharing an office with another company. This week, we moved into our very own office!! We had the interior rebuilt, basically from scratch, and exactly how we wanted it. It is awesome! :) Brent offered a little "free" labor to hook up our conference room...and it looks great! I had no idea how much work it takes to do what he does!! It was an all day affair just for our little room! But we are up and running now...and are loving it. We only have the office partially outfitted with furniture...still room for growth...but we are ready!
Alisa and the kids came over to help out....and we had Drake there as well. Brian Greene & Taylor came by too for a little assistance. The kids spent most of the time running around the office playing. Andrew took people on "tours" as they got there. It was very cute...he remembered all the little details of the office, and was very serious about his tours.
Drake & Nana hiding....while Andrew is somewhere seeking:
Nana playing "office" with the boys. She is in charge (sitting at my desk)...telling the boys how to "run their businesses". She looks very inquisitive:

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