Sunday, June 6, 2010

06.06.2010: Day Trip To Tucson

It was Saturday....and was predicted to be the hottest day of the year in Phoenix....and even though we had been traveling a little lately....Vince decided he wasn't ready for the heat yet. So, we turned on the A/C for Kaizen, got in the car, and left. We stopped at the taco shop for some road trip Breakfast burritos, and made our way to Tucson. Vince had researched "The Coldest Place in AZ" that day...and it was Mt. Lemon in Tucson. So, Mt. Lemon, here we come!

It seemed like the longest drive ever, but we got there. The drive up the mountain was heaven....temp dropping by the mile. We stopped about half way up at a little lake....and ate our snacks and grape soda. There were a lot of people there fishing and hanging out by the water, so we didn't stay long. We made our way to the top, where we rode the ski lift to the top, top. It was in cold up there!! Loved it!! Stopped at the best cookie shop ever for some giant cookies....a great appetizer before our mexican dinner at our other favorite Tucson stop! After our mexican dinner, stuffed, cooled off, and ready for Phx once again, we hit the road home. We made a quick stop at Brian Greene's as we got into town because we brought him back some Tucson menudo...which is very different than the regular menudo.

Great day out of town....great day trip....NOW we are ready for the heat....kinda! :)

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