Friday, June 18, 2010

06.18.2010: Las Vegas Weekend

Vince and I spent the week in CA for work...then headed to Vegas with Mom & Dad on Friday for the weekend. We followed them got some pics of the Vette in action...haha! :) Friday was our first night....however we actually paced ourselves and turned in early...very unusual for Vegas!!

Saturday was Mom & Dad's 34th wedding anniversary!! For dinner we went to Joe's, a famous steakhouse in Ceasar's. We tried to go here once last year, but couldn't get reservations. So, we got a table, and enjoyed a great dinner! Although everything was really good, we probably wouldn't go back there. We all thought it was a little overrated. Oh was a good dinner & we think Mom & Dad enjoyed it! Dad started telling stories from when he was younger...and it was great because Mom hadn't heard a lot of them before. We need more nights like that....I love old stories!!
On Sunday, we spent the day visiting other casinos. We drove over to the new one, M, which is off the strip....and kinda near South Point. It was a REALLY nice hotel...and casino! Definitely going back there!! For dinner that night, we went to Serendipity 3. I wanted to go to the original one in New York when we were there for our honeymoon, but didn't make it. So, luckily we got to visit the one in Vegas. It is one of our new favs. Loved it! The food was fabulous!! And they are famous for their "Frozen Hot Chocolate". Too bad we ate soooo much dinner, we had no room for dessert :(

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