Saturday, October 18, 2008

10.18.2008: Dinner at Brent & Alisa's

Since Drake & the kids don't get to see each other as often as they used to, we try to get together on the weekends so they get some play time. Vince, Drake and I went to their house on Sat for dinner and Halloween cookie decorating. Kids had more fun eating than decorating so Alisa ended up decorating most of the cookies. Which were very yummy, I might add!! Oh well! They had fun and were pretty proud of their cookies!! So proud, they wanted to..and them right away. Had to be quick with the camera on that one!!

Since my nice camera broke at Jason & Kerry's wedding and since Vince got tired of me whining, we went out and bought a little "temporary" camera. It is actually not a bad little thing! Takes great (ok, not GREAT, but very good!) pictures and has all the bells & whistles of most expensive cameras. AND is small enough to carry in my purse wherever I go, so as to not ever miss a picture moment!!

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